Sunday, July 1, 2012

Another Cup of Bead Soup!

Well it is sad to say that I have very much neglected you dear blog over the past couple of months!  Yikes - didn't realize how long it was since my last post.  Hope that everyone is enjoying the summer and keeping cool!
I am excited to be participating in the 6th Bead Soup Blog Hop Party.  You can find out more information about the blog hop by going to Lori Anderson's blog.  399 people signed up and there are three reveal dates.  My thanks to Lori Anderson who organizes Bead Soup so wonderfully - it is a lot of time and effort on her part and it is very much appreciated! Lori Rocks!! :)
Yay!!  My partner this time is Christina Stoomfel from The Netherlands.  Christina is a jewellery designer and a self taught lampwork artist and her beads are just gorgeous!  Check out Christina's work on Etsy and also on her blog.  I am thrilled to be Christina's partner for my second Bead Soup Blog Hop!  I am looking forward to getting to know Christina over the coming weeks. Stop back and see photos of our Bead Soup soon!  Our reveal date is August 11th 2012. 
Thanks for stopping by! 
~ Karen ~